Christ can change human nature

These past few months have been history making. These are times I will someday tell my kids and grandkids about. And I've often found myself in the past months wanting to be on the right side of history. I didn't want to look back and be a part of the problem. I know I'm just one person but aren't we all? And I can't control anyone else and their choices but I do get to control mine.

Which brings up the question, which side of history is the "right" one? If you ask facebook you will have a variety of opinions. I have scrolled through them for hours. I usually find myself to be a very opinionated person. But that's when I feel like I have the facts. In the word of social media the facts can get a little jumbled. And my brain started to feel A LOT a bit jumbled.

It's like we want to make this situation so black and white when I honestly believe there are a million shades of grey to consider.

Especially in the past few weeks as riots and protests have been sweeping across the country. I've had to look in the mirror and ask, Am I a part of the problem? Do I have privilege because of the color of my skin? I have ALWAYS hated racist jokes of any kind. I've never called another human being a racial slur. I strive to make my classroom a loving place where ANY child feels loved and welcomed. But have I been too quiet? Because I live in a largely white community have I just assumed that everyone is like me? Have I been ignoring real issues because I don't see them in my own life?

These past few days I've been sick to my stomach as I have tried to listen to different voices, those of people of color, tell their story. As I've had to stare in the face my own idea of what racism is and what it looks like in America. I've watched many of my friends do the same.

I saw a meme today that a friend had shared basically saying that no matter where you are taking a stance, someone is going to tell you that you are wrong right now. And I've felt that too. I have had to continue to look inside myself and ask, what can I do? How can I help? How can we heal our country. Again, I'm just one middle class white girl. What role do I play?

All week long I've had these thoughts. I've been uncomfortable. I've been heart broken. I've wanted to just sit and sob. I've felt ashamed. I've been angry. I've felt caught in this awkward middle ground. It's sucked.

All week as I've felt these things I just keep coming back to the gospel of Jesus Christ. As I've thought about what could possibly solve these issues, I always come back to him. He knows how to heal a broken heart. He knows how to comfort those who stand in need of comfort. He is there at all times, and in all things, and in all places. He will wipe away our tears. He is there to listen to our worries.
 "The world would shape human behavior, but Christ can change human nature." - Ezra Taft Benson

He has the power to change us. One by one. Because that's what this comes down to. Each an every one of us making a commitment to love one another. To be willing to change. Good, better, best. I have felt like I've been good in the face of racism. But I want to be better. And eventually I want to give my best. Because that is what Christ would do. That's the promise that I made when I got baptized almost 20 years ago. To take upon me the name of Christ. To do my best to help others. To love them. And when I fall short, because I will, to use the atonement to repent and try again.

Repentance, or as I prefer to think of it change, is supposed to make us uncomfortable. It's going to hurt. It requires us to look at ourselves and ask, How can I become better? It changes our nature as a human being.

I can't fix the entire world all on my own. But I can trust in my Savior and change myself. The message of hope found in the teachings of Jesus Christ is for ALL people. The healing he offers universal.

Most of this post was written about a week ago and since then my family has faced even more heartache. Not related to all of the issues we as American's are facing, but in the recent updates to two missing children. My heart has hurt. And I keep coming back to what I wrote above. Christ is the only one who can heal my aching heart. Are you angry about Covid? Racism? Riots? Turn to Christ. He is honestly the ONLY person who knows exactly how you feel. Are you like me, a middle class white girl living in a predominantly white community, feeling lost and wanting to listen and help enact change but feeling so small? Are you a minority who has lived their life in the shadow of systematic racism? Maybe you are a proud American who is now having to face the fact that there are a lot of things in our great country that we still need to change.

I don't have the answers. When I dwell on everything for too long I just get overwhelmed. But this Sunday I have been reminded that there is one person who get's it. There is only person who has the power to change our country, cities, families and us for the better. That's our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Christ can change human nature.



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