Aren't we all human beings?

I happen to belong to an organized religion. One that I strive to live every single day. I do so because of my own personal experiences, and beliefs. I do so because I feel that it helps me to become the most loving, giving, compassionate version of myself. 

I also happen to know a lot of wonderful human beings who don't belong to an organized religion. Or maybe they belong to one that is different than mine. And for whatever their reasons are, they make choices every day to be whatever kind of person they want to be. They are kind, forgiving, and fun to be around. 

I have different opinions than people I know. And yet, we somehow manage to still be friends, colleges, co-workers. We work together, we laugh, we see each other as what we are

Human beings. 

There is so much hate in this world. Petty arguments and snide remarks fuel bitter, and often incredibly useless, internet conflicts. (and real life conflicts too) 

I'm not saying that if you are fighting for something you believe in, you should stop. I fight in my own way every single day for what I believe in through the choices that I make. But when you are fighting your fight, remember that who you are fighting, is a human being too. And as such deserves respect. 

But what if they are calling me mean names and being rude?

Well I might give you some advice that I give my kindergartners, 
Sometimes when people are being rude, we ask them to stop, and if they don't, you sometimes have to walk away. 

Ignore them. Block them. Do what you have to do. But don't forget that they are a person just like you. Making their life choices to be the type of person they want to be. It might be a not so great person, but that's on them. You don't have to become like them to be better than them. 

Since I was young I never understood how we could judge others based on the way that we might have been raised. Every one of us has had different experiences in our lives that have made us who we are today. You don't know someone else's story. And flinging hate at them for thinking differently than you will never help you to learn it. Learning their story doesn't mean you have to change who you are or what you believe. But it can help you to have a little more compassion. To take a second and see things from their perspective. 

Every year I read the book, The Sneetches, by Dr. Seuss to my class. I am always in awe of how a group of 5-6 year olds understand what SO SO SO many adults in the world cannot. That even if someone is different than you, you should not treat them any different. Or "less" than you. Or hate them. 

Now I do understand there are truly horrible humans in this world. Who probably do deserve the anger and hate of those who they have hurt or wronged. I get that. But I choose to believe that there is more good than bad in this world. But we have to take the time to stop and see it. To stop and recognize someone for who they are, not their race, or religious association, or their sexual orientation. Those things don't define someone as a "good" or "bad" person, the actions they make every single day do. 

I believe with all of my heart and soul that all the humans on this earth have worth. Every single one is important. That belief for me happens to have come from my religion. But it also comes from my soul. It's a part of who I am. 

That doesn't mean I'm always a wonderful, perfect person. (if you have ever drove with me during heavy traffic you know this....)  But I get up every morning and I do my best to do good. To be good. And to treat others with respect. 

Especially when they might think, look, or believe different than me. 

This world is getting a bit ugly. One human isn't going to fix all of it's problem. But one person can help to fix their own little corner of it. However they can. 

I'm going to keep working on my corner of the world. By listening to those who are different than me. Not because I have to agree with what they say, but that it helps me to see them for who they are. 

I hope you can too. If we all work to make our own corner of the world a little bit kinder, who knows what we could accomplish,



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