A longing to be seen
I'm such a loud outgoing person, but sometimes I just don't feel seen. Since the time I was little I have always been loud. I was that kid in class who was constantly being told to use her inside voice (which was clearly what I was already using). No joke one time I was standing in a big group of friends back in high school and this girl asks, "why is it so loud?" and in unison my friends on both sides of her go, "Denae's here." I have lot's of friends. I'm super social. I can scroll through my phone or social media and find many great people who love and care about me. The logic part of my brain understands that. It has labeled us as an extrovert. It thrives in large groups of people. It speaks up in pretty much any situation we find ourselves in. (work, church, social, etc) And yet, sometimes I feel like no matter how loud I am or how often I'm surrounded by others I don't feel like anyone really see's me. I often wonder if oth...