A piece of advice from your happily single friend
I have a few pieces of advice to share that maybe will help others to see my perspective as a happy, single mid twenties YSA living in this wonderful place we call Utah County. Let's just set some ground work here before I write out my thoughts and feelings. The first one is that I am very much single. Second is that I am in no way shape or form writing things as an excuse to complain to the world about being single. Last night my amazing roommate and I had this beautiful vulnerable discussion about being happy with being single. During it I said to her, "you know it's just really hard sometimes because I feel like I'm stuck in this weird place where I am so genuinely happy being single but I also have the desire to take those next steps of marriage in my life. And I don't know how to help other people see and understand that balance of how I feel." These feelings are rather hard to explain and I honestly think they are hard for anyone outside of this ...